Gifts for Matt Cameron & Vedder Family; via Stephen Perkins and Zimbabwe

jgmochjgmoch Fayetteville, NC Posts: 79
edited October 2021 in The Porch

Gift for Matt Cameron & Vedder Family

October 29, 2021

Dear Matt Cameron & Eddie Vedder,

I have some very personal and cherished items that have been in my percussion arsenal for over twenty years, and I would like to give them to the band as a keepsake. I cannot think of anyone else who I’d rather have these items more than yourselves. These are special and unique, and were given to me by a mutual friend of ours. Let me explain.

Back in the late nineties, Jane’s Addiction had reformed into a more eccentric group called, Porno For Pyros. I was constantly studying Stephen Perkins’ groove and learning his arrangements, much like I studied Dave Krusen.

One day, mid-August 1996, I picked up a copy of Modern Drummer magazine, with Stephen Perkins on the front cover. The article was less about Jane’s, and more about Pyros and his other side projects, like Banyan. One of those side projects briefly mentioned in that article—Stephen was developing a line of percussion instruments for disabled people.

I thought this was a brilliant idea, but it never reached mainstream market. On the morning, November 13, 1999, I found out via a local rock and roll magazine that Stephen was giving a clinic, at AJ’s Percussion, in Clearwater, FL. So we hauled ass to Tampa and went to the clinic. It gave me a chance to ask Stephen about recording techniques used on Ritual, but I also stumbled onto the question, “Hey. Whatever happened to those Perkana Perkussion instruments you were working on?”

He kindly smiled and said they never made it through the marketing stage and the project was shelved. Then, he reached down into his stick bag and pulled this out; a prototype of the Perkana Perkussion shakers that I read about. No fricken way he’s about to……. Heads up!! And before I know it, a soft blue bag with a red velcro strap landed in my hands. Couldn’t believe it!! 

So rumor has it; the prototypes were made from some of Stephen’s old workout clothes. Whether that’s true or not who knows—what is true and authentic— is that it has the original branding label for Perkana Perkussion.

So this is not an LP (Latin Percussion) version that was released twenty years later, which, by the way, is based on the same exact design. However, where LP markets their product as the first palm mutable handshaker. Stephen designed these, specifically, with disabled people in mind. Hence the Velcro strap so that it attaches securely around the hand.

I don’t know how many of these prototypes exist. But I have one. And I would like for you to have it. From Stephen Perkins, from myself, to you, please accept this gift on behalf of all of us. 

I also have a Dunnett 6 1/2” x 14” titanium snare drum that I can no longer play. It’s signed and numbered, from 2006, by Ronn Dunnett. When you skin it with an Evans SD Dry batter top, and an Evans hazy bottom, with 16-strand copper snares; it sounds like a cannon. I do believe you’d absolutely love it. So will your sound technician. Always got compliments about how easy this snare was to work with, both live and studio. Some live engineers chose not to mic it, in smaller venues, because it is that damn powerful. I know you don't need a drum kit, but you can also have the Tama Starclassic Maple kit in the picture, as well. It is a Ltd Ed #/5000...... the kick hoop needs to be replaced from constant usage and wear. I can't lie; I beat the shit out of it trying to "make it," but it still sounds great on tape. Refurbed or not, it has great sonic timbre. Very punchy, quick attack, and quick release. 

And, finally, for Eddie, I have an authentic funeral drum from Zimbabwe. It was made from ochre, by the last known tribal elder, circa 1997, and was carried thirty miles by foot, to Harare, in order to be shipped to US. Literally, at one point, hanging off the side of a bus traveling through the city to the post office. Since Eddie and Co. has been involved with more and more international and folk music projects, I thought maybe you could find the perfect low-end or slap sound from this piece. It’s truly dynamic. It’s priceless and should be in the possession of a museum or musical royalty. I choose, "musical royalty."

So please accept on behalf of myself and my family. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for Pearl Jam, Temple of the Dog, and Soundgarden, and every other grunge entity that spawned from those years. And, furthermore, thank you for everything you're about to do in the future. Please be well. If you accept these gifts, It does not mean you have to meet me. It does not mean that I'm pandering for a conversation or signed posters. Just tell me where to send them. Any conversation we need to have will be spoken thru these instruments on some future recording..... Ok?

With love and respect.


John Moch

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  • 2-feign-reluctance2-feign-reluctance TigerTown, USA Posts: 23,237
    Best wishes getting these where you want them to go!
  • jgmochjgmoch Fayetteville, NC Posts: 79
    Best wishes getting these where you want them to go! 
    Hey, man! Thanks. I've never reached out to famous people before, so I don't know how to direct these to where I want them to go. I know they're busy people and probably not easy to contact. So if anybody has some inside knowledge of how to accomplish this, please inform me.
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 8,992
    I've seen fans toss a hat or t-shirt to eddie after waiting all night to meet him outside a venue he's playing. I think that covid will change how they interact with fans. May be best to donate to a music school where they will continue to give joy and get use forever. It's kind of you to think of others.
  • jgmochjgmoch Fayetteville, NC Posts: 79
    edited November 2021
    Loujoe said:
    I've seen fans toss a hat or t-shirt to eddie after waiting all night to meet him outside a venue he's playing. I think that covid will change how they interact with fans. May be best to donate to a music school where they will continue to give joy and get use forever. It's kind of you to think of others.
    You're probably correct. Covid will change how they interact with fans. Thats why I emphasized and said, "they do not have to meet me." My medical condition likely will not wait for Covid issues to resolve; therefore, I may just have to leave these to the band in via our attorney so family vultures do not take off with them. I'd give them to a music school if they were common items. But, these belong in their climate controlled warehouse where PJ stores highly-valuable instruments. The funeral drum belongs in a African-American history museum; but it would never enjoy another beat of music sitting behind a glass casing. Just want them to have a piece of my journey, just as they gave us pieces of their journey and inspired many of us to become what we became in life..... for good or ill.

    "To give of oneself, selflessly, is the ultimate form of respect. To be inspired by, and try to imitate another person's talent is the ultimate form of complement." -John Moch
    Post edited by jgmoch on
  • jgmochjgmoch Fayetteville, NC Posts: 79
    edited November 2021
    Plus-- I'm not going to stand outside of a venue and throw this monstrous thing at Eddie. That would be rude <sarcasm> and I'd probably be arrested for assault and battery for the wrong reasons. Good intentions, wrong reasons. Have a wonderful day, Loujoe! 
    Post edited by jgmoch on
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