Marker #2

whatever inspired a song about god. Do you think it stuck?. Do you think we will hear anymore thoughts on god?
Or will we hear more about Tremor christ ?
Or will we hear more about Tremor christ ?
its ok
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generally, guilt and redemption. it's a jab at the Sundayman. Or, to put it another way, think of Patty Smith's "jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine."
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I'd like to see that list.
Offhand all I can think of is Pilate.
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No problem. Here are just some off the top of my head...if I sat down and thought about it, I could probably come up with more:
Any questions?
I'm seeing your interpretation, not the names.
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I've always figured that the reason PJ and so many other muscians use God and Jesus and other biblical figures is because of the strong reaction we all feel from it. When someone talks about God or things of that nature it is striking. Even if its just a subconscious reaction I think most of us are like...WAIT! What did he just say!
There's a certain shock value to it I think.
I don't believe artist's do it for shock value. When you think about it, all of our lives are based around questions about God. Does he exist? What is his plan for us people? These are the questions everyone is asking and thinking about...why not sing about it?
I've been listening to Pearl Jam since '92, so I know the songs well. I think your interpretation is your interpretation. That's all. I'd never presume to know what Ed, or any writer had in mind when writing a piece. I can only interpret, too.
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Well, you can call it interpretation if you like, but a reference is a reference and there are many direct or indirect references to biblical figures, events or places in their lyrics.
Like Satan's Bed? Demonic figures pre-date the bible as do angels, and god.
Anyhoo, I don't want to start a debate here about it. If you're up to the task, the AMT forum might be a place for that kind of thing. I'd be interested to know what interpretation/reference you find in such songs as DTE, and Pilate.
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ya , i try telling [people that and they instututionalize me. im using a care aids comp now. hahahahaha. im in the cukoo nest
Regardless of what predates what, those terms and figures are relevant to the bible.
- The first verse contains one direct reference to God: "I can kill cuz in God I trust"
- also, that line is juxtaposed next to "I'm the first mammal to wear pants" so in essence that verse pits Creationalists vs. Evolutionists ringing memories of the Scopes trial where the Bible and it's Genesis teachings are key.
- On a direct level, there's the obvious references to angels and Pilate.
- On an interpretation level, there are a few different elements going on:
- Pilate was a leader that gave the decision of Christ's fate to the whim of the crowd, not unlike a dog, eager to please.
- the second verse, in my interpretation, reminds me of Jesus carrying his cross to be crucified, putting the angel into the ground
- the third verse, in my interpretation, reminds me of the story of Judas the Betrayer who, as a friend dragged Jesus down. Or even Peter, who denied knowledge of Jesus three times in the hours after his capture and was stunned with himself when the rooster. These are fairly loose interpretations, but in tandem with the aforementioned references to Pilate, fit quite nicely.
I'm not saying there is a lot of bulk to the biblical references, I'm just saying they _exist_ in a number of songs, either directly or indirectly. By directly I mean biblical name-dropping, such as God, Satan, Angels, etc. By indirectly, I mean interpretations that reflect things that have gone on in the bible or situations in history that have included the bible.
I don't personally care if knowledge of God and Satan, etc. came before the Bible. Our current knowledge, and one can assume the band's current knowledge of these figures was bestowed upon us using the Bible.
I guess if you want to drop names, ie, "satan", I supposed you can give the bible credit. "God" has had and does have many names. Biblical writings on "God" evolved from earlier versions of "God".
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If I remember right, I think Jeff wrote "Pilate". It's a nice little whimsical lyric that effectively wipes it's hands clean of any connection to anything construed as "Biblical".
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A: "licks" 'its hands clean' may have been the appropriate word there.
A: you could be right.
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My argument stands: PJ is not a Christian band but they do allude to biblical refererences in many of their songs. That is part of life and they sing about life situations. I think it's cool...most people find it surprising.
I also think it's cool to examine the songs that loosely could be interpreted as if Eddie was writing them AS A VAMPIRE. Serious. It's probably all garbage but it's fun to analyze in that light. And that was 10-12 years ago. Maybe Ed read Ann Rice's book and fancied himself as Lestat the rock star.
No, they don't allude to biblical references in many of their songs. That's a silly statement.
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You've already stated that and I've given multiple examples where it's true. Given some of your other posts, you either have some really good drugs or a really bad memory. As such, no offense, but I choose not to discuss this or anything else with you in the future.
I hate to say "you're not worth it" to anyone, but in this case, it's the truth. My 8 year-old son shows more understanding, comprehension and reasoning than yourself.
Have a terrific life, pray the windowblinds you close safeguard you from the world.
Lemme guess:
"Not for You"
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Again, Pearl Jam does not allude to the Bible or it's teachings in any way shape or form. They have resisted the affront that is fundamental ignorance of christianity in this country, in their songs, so you Derrick, can have your interpretations, but that does not exempt the fact that Pearl Jam does not endorse the Bible in the way that you endorse the Bible. In fact, they don't endorse it at all, other than in the act to unendorse it as a "fact of life".
Q: No need to get hostile.
A: I'm not hostile, only confident. I respect the brothers of any faith.
Q: No you don't.
A: Sure I do. I can't pretend to respect short-sidedness when it comes to the literature of the bible.
Q: Derrick says that the bible is about Life.
A: He does. The Bible is a collection of stories. Being that they are told by humans, of course it is a collection of Life. A small collection of a certain time, that's all. Life is a never ending story.
Q: So are you saying that the Bible is a never ending story?
A: If people are true to the spirit of it, sure, why not?
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I mean, all books are books of the bible, that is, if all history can be perceived in one book, as the bible is often perceived. it is a living story, meaning the stories continue. the king james is just a middling, early book to the books before, and the books since in the greater book that can never be published in its entirety.
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You're going to give Derrick a stroke.
No, he'll probably see this as a comprehension issue. Then he'll take it up with his 8-year old son in some way.
Think about it.
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