So my maiden voyage into the podcasting ether is coming up in 24 hours — my oldest friend @mikemccreadypj joined me for a free-range, candid, and funny conversation about growing up in north Seattle, riding bikes, stealing #BTO
records and getting cheap Japanese Gibson copies of real guitars. We
talked a little about Pj too. He’s a great human, a firecracker of a
lead player who can be in the moment like no one else I know. ❤️❤️@mikemccreadypj check it out when it’s up and share if you can. I’ll be announcing some very Special #PNW
guests in the upcoming episodes— for me this idea is about bridge
building, sharing stories of growing up playing music in town, the
venues, the writers, the record store owners that have all made this a
viable music town. It might have bloomed in the 90’s, but it didn’t
start then, and it didn’t end then. #pj#mikemccready#shadow#easystreetrecords#nancywilson#annpowers#johngoodmanson#carrieakre#local#seattlemusic#tacomamusic#rainydayspodcast#dannynewcomb#kexp#warrior#roosevelthigh#laurelhurst#1980’s #podcastersofinstagram
My first zoom/ podcast is out today!!! Rainy Days This one is a free-ranging conversation with my childhood friend @Mikemccreadypj and more of an old friend conversation than a scripted Q and A. I’ve started doing the sessions as a way of circling back to discussing our Arts/ Music community in Seattle and The PNW by having conversations with musicians, writers, and artists that have contributed the our music town (s) and in turn, have sustained it.
I have some great guests on the list coming up: Nancy Wilson of Heart (!!), Producer John Goodmanson, and Seattle native Ann Powers who writes about music for the LA Times and NPR. There will be more!! Much love to you all, enjoy and please share, and keep talking!
There is bonus material available on the site if you want to subscribe— it covers my production costs, so there Danny
Kicking off the series, Rainy Days episode one features a conversation
between friends of 40 years, Danny Newcomb and Pearl Jam’s Mike
McCready. They reminisce about their first guitars, first bands, first
shows, and show never before seen photos from their personal
collections. Head to The Homestead, Newcomb’s members-only site for
bonus clips and content.
Episode One featuring Mike Mcready available wherever you listen to
podcasts and can also be found in video format at
a break and listen to Mike McCready on the Rainy Days Podcast with
Danny Newcomb. In this first episode, the two talk about, well, the
first of many things: Guitars, shows, bands, as well as
never-before-seen photos, and more!
Danny Newcomb & the Sugarmakers
Rainy Day Podcast Ep 1 Mike McCready