Light Grenades - Incubus

Just wanted to call this out as an incredibly underrated Incubus album. I think there are some people that appreciate it but I know that a couple of the more ‘poppy’ radio tracks probably caused a lot of people to not give it much of a chance. And the evolution of Incubus from album to album has created a lot of different styles that we gravitate towards or away from. Their career arc reminds me a lot of PJ’s, they’re certainly influenced by them and there are several places where you can draw similarities in their sounds, some of the guitar tones and riffs, the production (theyve use Brendan O’Brien too), and their overall approach to art. I think this album also suffers from bad artwork like some of PJs have too.
Anyway, this album may be unfairly slotted as weak or soft just based on the single Dig, and one particularly cheesy moment in that song, but I HIGHLY recommend putting that impression aside and giving this album a good listen. (Dig is still a pretty good song by the way but easily towards the bottom half if I had to rank the tracks ). The back half of the album is especially is full of solid melodic heavy driving rock that even while some tracks have that pop element there are still plenty of wicked, frenzied psychedelic moments. And really cool lyrics in several places from BB. Check it out.
Highlight tracks for me are Rogues, Quicksand/Kiss, and Diamonds & Coal.
Highlight tracks for me are Rogues, Quicksand/Kiss, and Diamonds & Coal.
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