Albums with very distinct A and B sides.

in Other Music
Like Bringing it all Back Home with Dylan that has one acoustic and one electric side.
Any good suggestions?
Any good suggestions?
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour LP has the songs from the movie on Side A, and singles/b-sides from that year on Side B.
All of Side B from Led Zeppelin III is acoustic, other than a short electric lead part on Tangerine.
Speaking of Zeppelin, their 4th album's transfer from vinyl to CD is probably the most awkward there's been. On vinyl, Stairway To Heaven makes perfect sense as the climatic end of Side A, and Misty Mountain Hop makes perfect sense as an open to Side B. But on CD, which is how I was introduced to the album, the transition from Stairway to Misty is awkward as hell.
While we're at it, Strawberry Fields should've opened Side B of Magical Mystery Tour instead of Hello Goodbye. That mellotron intro would be a perfect start to Side B. And even now on CD or digital, transitioning from Walrus to Strawberry Fields would work better than Paul screaming YOU SAY YES into your ears following the fade out to Walrus.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
-EV 8/14/93
Who* / Hendrix* – Backtrack 5