
  • 2-feign-reluctance2-feign-reluctance TigerTown, USA Posts: 23,237
    So good to hear about what he and the band have been up to. Here's to more when the rest are willing to share!
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 91,264
    On the subject of life getting back to normal, when you announced I Should Be Outside you wrote about how the pandemic had led you to contemplate waste vs. value in your life. What have you diagnosed as waste? What will you be taking forward with you now?

    ​“With where technology has brought us as a race, it feels like we’re probably at the same tipping point where the Roman Empire was 2000 years ago. Everything was just fantastic, they’d taken over the planet and then, all of a sudden, one of the Caesars stops paying attention to some part of the uprising. It feels like that’s what’s happening with us a little bit right now. For me, personally, in the last 10 years, I had this incredible freedom – I’ve had a life of a lot of once-in-a-lifetime activities (laughs). Having all this downtime made me grateful, like, I don’t need to get on a plane every time that my friend has a birthday, or when your favourite team gets to the playoffs. There was just so much joy in slowing things down and making the space to be creative. In some ways, I felt more connected to a lot of my friends and family through this process, just because I was going deep inside my own psyche. You come out at the other end just feeling really grateful. Sometimes it takes a pandemic to get to that (laughs).”
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