Ohana Ride share (LA) and free parking Sat 9/25 Ed set

nalyd61nalyd61 Boston Posts: 726
this may be a long shot but wanted to toss it out there.  I'm flying into LA from Boston on 9/24.  I'm getting in around midnight and plan on getting a hotel near the airport.  I'm looking for someone that is heading to the show Saturday morning and might be open to giving me a ride. Fully vaccinated.  I will be staying for the week and only need a ride to the show from LA on Saturday 9/25.
I have a hotel .6 miles from the venue and have a free parking spot at the hotel.  I'd pay for gas and let you park in my hotel spot for the show.
any takers?



  • nalyd61nalyd61 Boston Posts: 726
    Bump. Still looking for a ride from LA. 
    I’ll bite the bullet on an Uber if needed. 
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