HX Stomp XL / Line 6 Helix

I'm considering getting a HX Stomp XL ... was interested in the HX stomp a year ago but passed on it because I figured I would need to add an extension as the HX stomp only had three foot switches ... then I saw Line 6 just release an XL version recently for $150 more that has more stomp buttons, but is essentially the same as the HX Stomp in function and processing power.
Just curious if anyone has used the Helix line and what they thought of the sound and function. It looks like a well thought out machine.
Line 6 updated the Stomp line where you can run 8 blocks (vs 6) at a time, as long as there is enough processing power.

Be Excellent To Each Other
Party On, Dudes!
if you want one tone , for example stone's tone, pedals with les paul an marshall will get you close.
I needed allround possibilities for the coverband I play in and just hated the never ending tone search that repeated each rehearsal. Now I need little more setup time but than have it each week. Also easier to get the tones I search for different guitars.
I love the presets I have created for both stone and mike.