Diabetes UK Fundraising by Sounds of Seattle

in Vitalogy

Hello to everyone. I represent the Sounds of Seattle group from Scotland (formerly Pearl Jam Scotland). We have been raising funds for the last 7 years and donating to Diabetes UK/Scotland by doing lots of Pearl Jam based activities. We feel that Diabetes is a condition that can be cured given the funds to do so and have dedicated all our efforts to that. We have family, friends and members of our community who are all Type 1 Diabetics which makes it very close to our hearts. At present we are running a Mega Mystery Box Raffle. All details below and we would be honoured if you could get involved.
Thanks in advance to everyone X

Sounds of Seattle Spring Raffle.
Pearl Jam 10 club 2018 MEGA MYSTERY BOX.
Stephen Duggan has very kindly donated his PJ mystery box to Raffle. In addition to the original contents, Colin Rodger and I have donated a few more items.
Multiple Concert Posters
1 small non PJ poster
T Shirts
Concert Flags
Trading cards
Ten C packs
Guitar Pick
10 Misc. items.
Contents in today's Marketplace are just shy of £2000. We have also put this as a reserve.
PayPal friends&family to: SOSPJ@HOTMAIL.COM please be clear with your name, if it's not obvious.
Don't make any ref to "raffle"
£5 x 1
£10 x 3
£15 x 6
£20 x 10
Random Numbers allocated on payment.
Raffle will be drawn Friday 30th of April Live on Facebook Sound of Seattle page at 9pm.
(Excluding shipping)

Pearl Jam Alba