Crazy idea - even flow solo web radio station
I was listening to Mike shred an Even Flow solo yesterday and I laughed when I thought “Wouldn’t it be wild if there was a web radio station where someone just took Mike’s Even Flow solos from every recording and just played them 24/7?”
Crazy...or genius?!
Crazy...or genius?!
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Also, I miss making mix tapes too, lol.
What I know about YLed is if you compare lyrics from the 2000 USA tour, there's not much change from night to night...but, over the course of the tour, there's a big evolution. There used to be a site with all the lyrics, but it went down a while ago.
2003-2006 or so had a lot of anti-war lyrics. Listen to MSG from "Live at the Garden" and the State College version as two examples. The one from the Gorge in 2006 night 2 is also amazing.
Pearl Jam bootlegs: