What songs do you turn WAYYY up and clip your system with?

hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,903
Just curious, what are songs that produce a shockwave of sound that makes your body quiver?  Songs you turn  up as far as you feel safe without blowing the speakers, maybe saying fuck lets clip this mother out and fry my amp worth the risk?  Post a clip of your sonic assaults of any genre.  No quiet crap, I mean LOUD and powerful stuff!

Explosions in the Sky- The Birth and Death of Day

Ministry- New World Order:

Pink Floyd- Welcome to the Machine (turn that BASS ALL THE WAY UP AND feel your eardrums melt)

Metallica- Battery

for the classical and movie buffs
Carl Orf- Oh Fortuna
so what do you risk blowing the whole system up with when it comes on?


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