WandaVision ( Spoilers )

There has to be others on this board watching this show.
I waiting about 5 weeks before I started watching it so I could binge the first five eps.
Other than the first episode being rather slow other Vision's boss falling over and yelling at them as to why they cannot answer questions about their life before Westview. They have just been amazing.
The Agnes reveal at the end caught me totally off guard and I love the " I also killed sparky" line as the song ends.
So much of this reminds me of Lost , mostly because my wife and I talk about what we think is happening or going to happen. I love a good binge but it is fun to have a weekly episode to look forward too and find out 90% of our theories were wrong.
Anyone else loving this show as much as I am?
I sort of knew the Agatha reveal was coming, but it was still awesome anyway. The song is so damn catchy!
The acting all around is just phenomenal. Elizabeth Olsen nails every era of sitcom and then has the super emotional moments on top of that.
WOW. Finished all 8 episodes. I thought for sure it was Wanda doing all the spells. I haven’t figured out how Vision is still alive though? I think he is still dead and he is only alive in Wandas head. When her spell wasn’t working and you saw the hole and the lack of color in him makes me believe that.
The writing on this show is fantastic. Not looking forward to having to wait a year for the second season...
—the theme songs in general are brilliant. That 80s one that copies Family Ties and Growing Pains. Brilliant.
Show is pretty good, white Vision was even an Avenger too.
Who knows what will happen in the MCU though, they might go with it and introduce mutants that way, if they haven't already with Monica.
I had to convince a few people to give it another shot because they could not get past the first episode or first two. I loved the slow build to it but I can understand why some would be turned off , glad you took it back up.