The Touch of Death with a Life Wasted

This thread is about suicide. I am beside myself with grief. I am a 33 year old young woman and a sister to 2 brothers.
On tuesday July 11, 2006 in the early evening my brother Randy 39 years old
father of 2 young girls committed suicide. He went to his shed at the backyard and hung himself.
I was reluctant to write on this board but I have been listening to my favorite band with new ears and wisdom.
The new album has given me a sense of closeness. I can only imagine now
how the whole band feels about this album and it's cathartic effect for each
member .
To those who have lost a loved one and dealt with death so close to their hearts, I feel for you.
I now hear the words and feel the music in a way that can only be described
as raw and heartfelt.
World Wide Suicide and Life Wasted are painful and releasing for me.
Inside Job , thank you Mike and Eddie for writing this truly beautiful masterpiece. I only wish my brother could have heard the new album.
His inner turmoil, his pain was too much for him to bear and he was not willing to take the help that was given to him.
"Darkness comes in waves... tell me, why invite it to stay
You're warm with negativity,
Yes comfort is an energy...
But why let the sad song play?"
I cannot write much more as my tears cloud my vision.
Thank you Eddie and Mike for writing Come Back.WOW!!!
"If I don't fall apart.... Will the memories stay clear
So you had to go,..... and I had to remain here
But the strangest thing to date
So far away
And yet you feel so close
And I'm not gonna question it any other way"
There's still the memorial service this weekend. If I let the flow of tears stay I think I'll be okay and be strong enough for my Mum.
We all need to change the world with more love and compassion. peace
On tuesday July 11, 2006 in the early evening my brother Randy 39 years old
father of 2 young girls committed suicide. He went to his shed at the backyard and hung himself.
I was reluctant to write on this board but I have been listening to my favorite band with new ears and wisdom.
The new album has given me a sense of closeness. I can only imagine now
how the whole band feels about this album and it's cathartic effect for each
member .
To those who have lost a loved one and dealt with death so close to their hearts, I feel for you.
I now hear the words and feel the music in a way that can only be described
as raw and heartfelt.
World Wide Suicide and Life Wasted are painful and releasing for me.
Inside Job , thank you Mike and Eddie for writing this truly beautiful masterpiece. I only wish my brother could have heard the new album.
His inner turmoil, his pain was too much for him to bear and he was not willing to take the help that was given to him.
"Darkness comes in waves... tell me, why invite it to stay
You're warm with negativity,
Yes comfort is an energy...
But why let the sad song play?"
I cannot write much more as my tears cloud my vision.
Thank you Eddie and Mike for writing Come Back.WOW!!!
"If I don't fall apart.... Will the memories stay clear
So you had to go,..... and I had to remain here
But the strangest thing to date
So far away
And yet you feel so close
And I'm not gonna question it any other way"
There's still the memorial service this weekend. If I let the flow of tears stay I think I'll be okay and be strong enough for my Mum.
We all need to change the world with more love and compassion. peace
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's Soul remains Unawakened.
Anatole France
Anatole France
Post edited by Unknown User on
11 and 9 years old. I go through moments of livid anger and deep sadness
I will see the girls tomorrow.
My Mum is who I am with for now. He was her son. A mother's love goes
Army Reserve is another tune that I appreciate more. I can't imagine the mothers whose sons and daughters are at war, risking their lives every moment each day they are overseas. Fuck Life is so precious.
Anatole France
(((((((((((((((((((((Tanya))))))))))))))))))))))) i hear you girl and im so sorry for your daughter died at a sleepover 191/2 months ago,the house caught fire in the night,not a day goes by that i dont want to take my life,but i try and fight it its hard,im soooooooooooooo sorrrrrrrrrrrry for your pain,if it wasnt for the music of pearl jam i too would be dead,its amazing what music can do it truly healsssssssss.god bless you
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
There's still a sense of disbelief. I was able to sleep last night for a while and woke up with my head somewhat clearer.
Life must go on, and picking up the pieces of a broken puzzle will take time
to put back together.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Anatole France
i dont get suicide..because the only people who suffer are the ones left behind
ive thought about it before and the end result is always the same, not doing it because its the easy way out and in the end it wont be me suffering it will be everyone else
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and everyone else's on this thread. It is our job as human beings to stick together and pick up the man next to you when he is down.
"Won't let the darkness swallow me"
When I was 15 ,I would stay at my brother's apartment on the weekend to get away from my Mother. He and his buddies would go out to the bar and I would stay back and rummage through his vinyl records and play them. My favorite was and still is Twilight Zone by Golden Earring. Clocks in about 8 minutes and long enough to dance and have a smoke to. I couldn't play The Rolling Stones Some Girls. Shattered! No way. I played Bruce Springsteen's Greatest Hits and Bob Seegers Greatest hits cd.
The best part of the day was meeting Louise and Steve married for 30 years and both are bikers.They wore their leather and Harley gear and rode their beautiful touring Harley to my brothers house. I asked Steve for a ride he said "yeah of course!" My 8 and a half year old neice heard and wanted a ride too. So Louise and I dressed her with pants and boots and sunglasses and the helmut and off she rode. It was the first time since her Daddy's death that her face truly lit up. I took about 10 photos. That's the memory I will keep of the memorial. We also had a huge water balloon fight. It was 35 degrees in Toronto and humidity felt like 43 degrees.
Love and peace to all
Anatole France
than answers. Who I thought he was, is not who he became.
He had one ton of steel fall on his head at work 2 years ago. He was wearing his work helmut when the beam fell on him. Fighting with workers compensation, loss of livelihood, excruciating headaches, depression, excessive mood swings. He was on alot of prescribed meds. Anti-depressants are what i blame most of his downward spiral on. He also used cocaine in the last 6 months.
It's all mind boggling to me. The newest piece of information I have is that
he indeed left a note, carved into a slab of wood. Apparently his friend
Stewey, from the steel working days hung himself 6 months ago.
On the slab of wood my brother Randy carved:
To Stewey, DON'T DO IT !
The Devil isn't ready for the both of us.
"cause there is but You, and something within You
It's taken control,..Let's beat IT, get up let's Go!
Oh You're in your own world, let's see the whole world
Let's pick up your SOUL
Anatole France