The World Under Review.

The thunder sounds ominous tonight.
The aggressiveness of posters on other sites
Pound the boards and scorch the screen
With red-hots pixels that burn my eyes.
Death, lies, and and trying times
Leave me picking the lint from between the keys
And I'm not sure which is more important
Or if there's a chance in hell of any redemption.
I'm accused of having an opinion or two,
So I consider just keeping them as thoughts.
And I can't can't help but wonder which of them
Will chase me off, all through the night.
Open a page, scroll down the screen
See what jumps out and grabs me
And see what really merits scrutiny.
Or is it all just an illusion of words?
In the end, nothing's adding up.
Chaos eludes order's restrictions
And order denies chaos' delight.
Yet both abhor a vacuum's plight.
The world under review coughs up no clues
As to what's going to happen next
And the aggressive thunder pounds my eyes
With death, and lies, and trying times.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Brian, whateverthefuck, don't keep your thoughts or your opinions
I found this powerful and provoking
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Thanh you for encouragement, mysticweed. I'm never sure if my words are worthy, or just thought bolts rattling around in a tin can.