Message from Ward Sutton: " I'm going to announce my poster soon. It is going to be sold through Amesbros - we are a bit delayed compared to other PJ posters but should have it for sale in a couple weeks! "
It would be cool if the butterflies popped out of the tube when you opened the poster.
Now that would be cool 😂 I love the black background with those colours.
It does really look nice. It reminded me a bit of the Matt Taylor at first since they both have guitars, and I love that print. I was supposed to do OKC though, and this Munk One has really grown on me. I can't wait to see it in person.
Dallas 2013 Wrigley 2016 Night 1 Wrigley 2016 Night 2 MSG 2020 OKC 2020
I have never bought a poster before. I was supposed to go to OKC. The poster is such a beautiful piece of art that I bought one. I’m excited to frame it.
I picked up OKC yesterday on a whim after arguing about it with myself for a few hours. In the end, it was my favorite visually. That makes 4 total for me over the last 2 weeks. Can't wait until they get here.
I have never bought a poster before. I was supposed to go to OKC. The poster is such a beautiful piece of art that I bought one. I’m excited to frame it.
Be careful, might have a new addiction on your hands, ha! Enjoy the print!
Virginia Beach 2000; Pittsburgh 2000; Columbus 2003; D.C. 2003; Pittsburgh 2006; Virginia Beach 2008; Cleveland 2010; PJ20 2011; Pittsburgh 2013; Baltimore 2013; Charlottesville 2013; Charlotte 2013; Lincoln 2014; Moline 2014; St. Paul 2014; Greenville 2016; Hampton 2016; Lexington 2016; Wrigley 2016; Prague 2018; Krakow 2018; Berlin 2018; Fenway 2018; Camden 2022; St. Paul 2023; MSG 1 2024; Baltimore 2024
From what someone on here shared with me, he's looking at doing a drop in the fall time apparently. Just another head scratcher in a line of head scratchers with this poster. You'd think he would want to capitalize on the momentum & interest all the other artist drops have created. I honestly can't see anyone having interest in this poster if he waits that long to do a drop.
From what someone on here shared with me, he's looking at doing a drop in the fall time apparently. Just another head scratcher in a line of head scratchers with this poster. You'd think he would want to capitalize on the momentum & interest all the other artist drops have created. I honestly can't see anyone having interest in this poster if he waits that long to do a drop.
thank you! i agree the longer the wait the more chance it will be forgotten about.
From what someone on here shared with me, he's looking at doing a drop in the fall time apparently. Just another head scratcher in a line of head scratchers with this poster. You'd think he would want to capitalize on the momentum & interest all the other artist drops have created. I honestly can't see anyone having interest in this poster if he waits that long to do a drop.
thank you! i agree the longer the wait the more chance it will be forgotten about.
From what someone on here shared with me, he's looking at doing a drop in the fall time apparently. Just another head scratcher in a line of head scratchers with this poster. You'd think he would want to capitalize on the momentum & interest all the other artist drops have created. I honestly can't see anyone having interest in this poster if he waits that long to do a drop.
thank you! i agree the longer the wait the more chance it will be forgotten about.
The OKC poster is really cool. For those that have never been here the black X looking thing trans versing the moon in the middle is a bridge sculpture called The Skydance Bridge that crosses I-40 downtown. The little boat in the water is a tour boat you can ride on the canal in Bricktown (downtown entertainment district).
I love the black background with those colours.
I was supposed to do OKC though, and this Munk One has really grown on me. I can't wait to see it in person.
Wrigley 2016 Night 1
Wrigley 2016 Night 2
MSG 2020
OKC 2020
ISO Hollywood & Nashville 2 tickets. PM me to coordinate a drop!
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
10club should just put them up for sale soon. Can't remember exactly but 10club put up Taz's Berlin 2014 poster months before he put up his AP edition run. They are still available over @
24 x 36 is oversized. Pretty cool.