Quick Escape/COVID-19

lastexitlastexit 10923 Posts: 258
edited June 2020 in The Porch
According to the liner notes, the first line of 'Quick Escape' is "Reconnaissance on the corner". But listen closer. It's clearly "Reconnaissance on the Corona"!

Along with several other blatant clues and analogies throughout 'Gigaton', this album is less about global warming and much more about the COVID-19 pandemic.

But how could this be?? It was written and recorded before the pandemic even started??

Did Pearl Jam create SARS-CoV-2???

Are they psychic???

If so, why didn't they warn us ahead of time???

Or is that lyric simply a line about looking in the fridge for another pseudo-Mexican bottle of beer?

Anyhoo, whatever the truth may be, one thing I know to be true is that ''Gigaton' is their best, most cohesive album since the 90's and has me more excited for Pearl Jams future than anything they've done this century. Dilly-dilly to you, Pearl Jam 🍻

Shine on you crazy diamonds 💖

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