** Music that should be on vinyl **

in Other Music
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Med lösningen på det 34 år gamla statsministermordet imorgon, så tänkte jag på hur jävla bra släpp det här hade varit. Lysande idé från mig. Pengar rakt in i partikassan. Eller någon demokrati-främjande välgörenhet.
(With the solution to the 34-year-old prime minister's murder tomorrow, I thought about how damn good release this had been. Brilliant idea from me. Money straight to the party. Or some democracy-promoting charity.)
The Mars Volta - Live
Team Sleep - S/T
Electric Masada - At the Mountains of Madness
Rollins Band - Come in and Burn
Smashing Pumpkins - Machina II
Medeski Martin & Wood - its a jungle in here
Modest Mouse - Baron Von Bullshit Rides Again
Hella - Church Gone Wild
Melvins -Hostile Ambient Takeover
NIN - Further Down the Spiral, All That Could Have Been, Beside You In Time
REM - Live in Greensboro
Deftones - Mini Maggot
Saosin- Translating the Name
Galactic _ Late for the Future
Mike Patton - A Perfect Place, General Patton vs X-Ecutioners
The first album and EP were given the treatment a couple years ago then repressed. These guys are one of the overlooked 80s-90s bands.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
1996: Ft Lauderdale
1998: Birmingham
2000: Charlotte, Tampa
2003: Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix
2004: Kissimmee
2008: West Palm Beach, Bonnaroo, Columbia
2010: MSG2
2012: Music Midtown
2014: Memphis
2018: Wrigley 1, Fenway 1
2022: Nashville
2023: Ft. Worth II
2024: Baltimore
Upcoming: 2025 Hollywood, FL Night 2