ISO MMJ Bonnaroo 2011 Poster

gkitt80gkitt80 Philadelphia, PA Posts: 24
I realize this is not PJ related, but figured I would try here. I have had an ISO on the MMJ forum and facebook marketplace page for a while now, so branching out to see if I can find this whale elsewhere. If this is against policy, please lock.

I am in search of the My Morning Jacket poster from 2011 Bonnaroo. Artist is Fung. Picture is below. This poster and performance has a special meaning to me and my wife as we were married at this Bonnaroo. Offering $300 cash, and also have the following to trade. Let me know! Would be a great anniversary present if I can soon.

Trade Fodder:
- MMJ Forest Hills 2019 band signed VIP poster
- MMJ Mann Center Philadelphia 2011 poster
- MMJ Orpheum Theatre Vancouver, BC 2011 poster
- Umphrey's Mcgee 2019 Fillmore, Philadelphia Foil poster
- Various other non-MMJ concert posters (inquire if interested - no PJ posters for trade unfortunately)

2011 Fund MMJ Bonnaroo Poster

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