Vans- Foot The Bill

EB218946EB218946 Posts: 3,986
Thought this was a pretty cool idea.  Some really sweet looking Vans plus some have a t shirt to match.  Help support small businesses.  


  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,086
    Would be pretty sweet if they had new Vans plus shirt combos from Pearl Jam up for sale.
  • EB218946EB218946 Posts: 3,986
    demetrios said:
    Would be pretty sweet if they had new Vans plus shirt combos from Pearl Jam up for sale.

    I agree 100% Demetrius.  Even if Jeff hooked up with Vans to make some different
    Vans/ tshirts to help support his skatepark projects!  
    My Pearljam slip on Vans are worn out I bought from the site a number of years ago.   

  • sheri zonasheri zona Makai Side Posts: 356
    Killer Vans listed on there! I wear my PJ vans to all the PJ shows, people take pics of them all night 😂✌🏼
    in an underwater nation...near chinamans hat
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