Memorial Day Holiday Weekend.

Well, I hope everybody finds a way to make the best of it. I myself am fucking bummed. Usually take a trip up North for a weekend of fishing, but that's not happening. I have decided to plant my veggie garden today or tomorrow, so that will be nice. Maybe purchase a new fire pit, if I can handle the lines at Menards. Last week there was a line that was literally 1/4 mile long, and I said fuck that. My wife will be working both today and tomorrow, which sux, but when she comes home both days I will have the grill going, and I will have my WORLD FAMOUS homemade potato salad prepared. My 2 lilac bushes make the backyard smell delicious this time of year, so I am guessing as long as the rain holds out we will eat our meals outside.

But its 2020.

Not only will it rain, but locusts will invade my yard, frogs will fall from the sky, I will run out of gas as I am grilling, the seat cushions on my outdoor chairs will be infested with ticks, I will lose a couple fillings as I bite into an ear of corn, my last pair of contact lenses will fall out of my eyes, I will slip on the wet lawn and crack a vertebrae, and as I lay on the ground screaming the neighbors dog will lift his leg and urinate on me.

What are your plans for the Holiday weekend?

Take me piece by piece.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....


    The holiday weekend has started ok(SO FAR) for me. I have managed to make a pot of coffee and toast an English muffin without setting the house ablaze. Now I am off to the grocery store. Hopefully I can survive that(wearing both masks and gloves and flea dipping myself before I leave the house). Yes folks, I am going to put my life in danger just to pick up some celery, an onion, and take a quick glance at the empty meat counter.
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • deadendpdeadendp Posts: 10,434
    Keep us updated on your progress. 
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain Posts: 31,081
    Good luck on the EPIC store run

    I miss going to grocery stores. 
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Some places around here, people are clueless - as if the last three months haven’t happened. 

    We’re doing shit this weekend!
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,680
    edited May 2020
    Central Air unit has broken.  My spirit has not.  

    Plan on cooking some great dishes, getting some good beer, and playing a lot of guitar and video games.  All with like ten box fans on us.   The end 
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain Posts: 31,081
    Had an electrician here today to get our AC working.  
    Luckily it hadn't been in real need except for one day.  
    Good luck!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • deadendpdeadendp Posts: 10,434
    Had an electrician here today to get our AC working.  
    Luckily it hadn't been in real need except for one day.  
    Good luck!
    A few years back, our AC stopped working.  M can fix practically anything, so he found out what was wrong, went to the place and purchased the part.  Turns out that it was wholesale only and he, um, had his work shirt on.  They wouldn't have sold it to him otherwise.  It was some compressor part.  Cost was maybe $2.50.  A repair call would have been at least $250 for the same repair.  

    Just throwing it out there that I would basically be fine without AC.  M and K are both fans of "cold heat" so there we go.  I love leaving the windows open, even if Sammy decides to pay a visit in the early morning.  (The skunk.)  5:30 AM alarm this morning.  :sick:  
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain Posts: 31,081
    Yeah this was a simple circuit breaker swap out but I'm not playing Sparky.
    Not in my skill set ....
    Would have been much cheaper!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,651
    My Memorial Day weekend was due to feature seeing Rage Against the Machine tonight at Boston Calling festival. Instead it features deciding what to watch on TV...yay?
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • deadendpdeadendp Posts: 10,434
    Poncier said:
    My Memorial Day weekend was due to feature seeing Rage Against the Machine tonight at Boston Calling festival. Instead it features deciding what to watch on TV...yay?
    I'm sorry. :frowning:

    On a positive note, my guess is that your bathroom is cleaner and the beer is cheaper. 
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • dankinddankind Posts: 20,834
    As long as I get some grilling in, I’m content.

    My mournful reflections on those in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice are certainly laced with more anger and shame these days.

    In my opinion, the best way to honor the fallen is by working toward being a better nation.
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,138
    I'm usually doing my final checklist review for tailgating at the Indy 500 right now.  Plan on relaxing and watching Manning vs Brady, the final showdown!  This match will determine the G.O.A.T. once and for all.  No more debate.  This is for all the marbles.

    Well, my trip to the garden center was a disaster. Not a complete disaster, but it sure wasn't what I was looking forward to. I usually spend the extra money and get the tomato plants that are a good 12 inches tall. NOTHING AVAILABLE. Really? The coronafuckingvirus has now caused a shortage at the garden center? FUCK FUCK FUCK. There wasn't much of a variety on anything. No zucchini, no early girl tomatoes(my favorite), minimal variety of peppers, no peat moss, A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!

    I have 4 tiny tomato plants which I am sure will be fine. I usually plant 6-8 plants, but not this year. I have four green pepper plants that I will plant, but I NEVER FUCKING EVER have any luck with my peppers. I can grow a million jalapeno plants, but what the fuck do you do with those? Anyway, I also picked up some romaine lettuce. I will venture back out today and try Menards(FUCK MENARDS), and see if what they have. The wife wants some basil and chives.

    In the meantime I am going to have a nice breakfast of coffee and about 15 aspirin. Digging up my garden bed, which had become weed bed, has left me nearly paralyzed. Every fucking bone in my fat, out of shape, soon to be 55 year old body is aching.

    What else? Oh yeah, I was able to pick up 12 Impatients which I will line the front of the house with. I usually mix and match the colors and in a month or 2 they look beautiful. This year I am going all red. No reason whatsoever, but I am going all red.

    Im guessing if my fancy schmancy garden center didn't have much then Menards(FUCK MENARDS) isn't going to have much either. But its worth a try. Plus on my way I can stop at Starbucks and wait 45 minutes in the drive-thru for a cup of coffee.

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • deadendpdeadendp Posts: 10,434

    Well, my trip to the garden center was a disaster. Not a complete disaster, but it sure wasn't what I was looking forward to. I usually spend the extra money and get the tomato plants that are a good 12 inches tall. NOTHING AVAILABLE. Really? The coronafuckingvirus has now caused a shortage at the garden center? FUCK FUCK FUCK. There wasn't much of a variety on anything. No zucchini, no early girl tomatoes(my favorite), minimal variety of peppers, no peat moss, A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!

    I have 4 tiny tomato plants which I am sure will be fine. I usually plant 6-8 plants, but not this year. I have four green pepper plants that I will plant, but I NEVER FUCKING EVER have any luck with my peppers. I can grow a million jalapeno plants, but what the fuck do you do with those? Anyway, I also picked up some romaine lettuce. I will venture back out today and try Menards(FUCK MENARDS), and see if what they have. The wife wants some basil and chives.

    In the meantime I am going to have a nice breakfast of coffee and about 15 aspirin. Digging up my garden bed, which had become weed bed, has left me nearly paralyzed. Every fucking bone in my fat, out of shape, soon to be 55 year old body is aching.

    What else? Oh yeah, I was able to pick up 12 Impatients which I will line the front of the house with. I usually mix and match the colors and in a month or 2 they look beautiful. This year I am going all red. No reason whatsoever, but I am going all red.

    Im guessing if my fancy schmancy garden center didn't have much then Menards(FUCK MENARDS) isn't going to have much either. But its worth a try. Plus on my way I can stop at Starbucks and wait 45 minutes in the drive-thru for a cup of coffee.

    Speedy needs a hug. :hug:

    Buy some seeds, Speedy. Basil grows well from seed. So do tomatoes. Give a try. Heirloom seed . Non-GMO. Good stuff. Free ship. You have enough time.

    As far as peppers, mine do okay. I plant them with a match. (Sulfur makes them happy, I guess.) Companion plant them with parsley, i believe. Basil companion plants with tomatoes. 

    Not a fan of Menards. May the force be with you. 
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
    deadendp said:

    Well, my trip to the garden center was a disaster. Not a complete disaster, but it sure wasn't what I was looking forward to. I usually spend the extra money and get the tomato plants that are a good 12 inches tall. NOTHING AVAILABLE. Really? The coronafuckingvirus has now caused a shortage at the garden center? FUCK FUCK FUCK. There wasn't much of a variety on anything. No zucchini, no early girl tomatoes(my favorite), minimal variety of peppers, no peat moss, A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!

    I have 4 tiny tomato plants which I am sure will be fine. I usually plant 6-8 plants, but not this year. I have four green pepper plants that I will plant, but I NEVER FUCKING EVER have any luck with my peppers. I can grow a million jalapeno plants, but what the fuck do you do with those? Anyway, I also picked up some romaine lettuce. I will venture back out today and try Menards(FUCK MENARDS), and see if what they have. The wife wants some basil and chives.

    In the meantime I am going to have a nice breakfast of coffee and about 15 aspirin. Digging up my garden bed, which had become weed bed, has left me nearly paralyzed. Every fucking bone in my fat, out of shape, soon to be 55 year old body is aching.

    What else? Oh yeah, I was able to pick up 12 Impatients which I will line the front of the house with. I usually mix and match the colors and in a month or 2 they look beautiful. This year I am going all red. No reason whatsoever, but I am going all red.

    Im guessing if my fancy schmancy garden center didn't have much then Menards(FUCK MENARDS) isn't going to have much either. But its worth a try. Plus on my way I can stop at Starbucks and wait 45 minutes in the drive-thru for a cup of coffee.

    Speedy needs a hug. :hug:

    Buy some seeds, Speedy. Basil grows well from seed. So do tomatoes. Give a try. Heirloom seed . Non-GMO. Good stuff. Free ship. You have enough time.

    As far as peppers, mine do okay. I plant them with a match. (Sulfur makes them happy, I guess.) Companion plant them with parsley, i believe. Basil companion plants with tomatoes. 

    Not a fan of Menards. May the force be with you. 
    We had a chive plant for well over 10 years. Her father (who has since passed) gave it to us. Last year my neighbor, who is a good guy, decided to use some type of poison on the side of his house to get rid of weeds. My chive plant was destroyed. I was LIVID! But he meant no harm, he didn't kill it on purpose, but still.
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....

    I don't have the strength to take the bags of top soil out of my jeep, so I can go and get more this morning. My wife has informed me she is sleeping in, since she works tonight. So there is no help there. This aspirin better kick in soon, or I am switching from coffee to vodka. I hope I find peat moss. I really don't want to use compost, since I never had luck with that shit. After the trip to Menards(Fuck Menards), I will return home to get all plants in the ground. Then I will trim the front bushes and get the Impatients in the ground. Soon will be a nap, and then dinner for us.

    Need to get everything done today, as I will leave for my Waco Texas, Orland Florida journey at 3 am tomorrow.

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,651

     . Digging up my garden bed, which had become weed bed, has left me nearly paralyzed. Every fucking bone in my fat, out of shape, soon to be 55 year old body is aching.


    So we should call you Weedy McCready now? Or maybe Speedy McWeedy?

    This weekend we rock Portland
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