Listening, Reading, Watching...

What’s everyone listening to, reading and watching during these lockdown periods.
listening - Gigaton
reading - Gridiron Genius by Michael Lombardi
watching - The X Files (Boxset)
listening - Gigaton
reading - Gridiron Genius by Michael Lombardi
watching - The X Files (Boxset)
Melbourne #1 '98
Melbourne #2 '03
Melbourne #3 '03
Melbourne #1 '06
Melbourne #3 '06
Melbourne '09
Melbourne '14
Melbourne #2 '03
Melbourne #3 '03
Melbourne #1 '06
Melbourne #3 '06
Melbourne '09
Melbourne '14
Listening - everything I like. For this, will go with Black Sabbath
Reading - The Plot Against America - Philip Roth (stalled last time on this, put it back in the pile. Picked it back up again to read before watching on HBO)
Watching - Bosch - finished S6 last night.
Reading Flea's Acid for the Children. Doing it in pieces but loving it and the images (memories too) it evokes. The sender of said book is loved too
Watching Bosch, though not quite as quickly as the fellow up there. Lots of podcasts and comedy on youtube. Dangerfield, Gervais and Bill Burr made us cry with laughter last night. SO needed.
Reading - Caitlin Moran, DV- How to hear your Angels
Watching - Bob Ross - Joy of Painting
Playing - Animal Crossing - Switch
Reading: The Brothers Karamazov (trans. Pevear and Volokhonsky)
Watching: “... the tide roll away”
Reading: Too much coronavirus news.
Watching: Grey's Anatomy for the first time. Good show.
Reading - Girl in a Band, Kim Gordon
Watching - Season 5 of Better Call Saul
At first glance, I thought this was a skull!
Excellent thread idea!
Reading: A book about quantum physics and quantum biology, which is a new discipline, and corona virus news
Watching: films and QI and Pointless at the BBC
I didn't know Columbo was on Netflix, it's usually on tv @ the weekend anyway. Rockford files is popular with my better half, all kinda old stool @brianlux
Reading: Call for the Dead by John Le Carre
Watching: Perry Mason
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Reading - between books right now. I do have 1984 downloaded to my tablet, so that will probably be next.
Watching - mainly documentaries found on Netflix/Amazon Prime. Most recent was the Fyre Festival documentary on Netflix.
Reading: Jo Walton "Or What You Will", just released on Tuesday, and Maria Konnikova's "The Biggest Bluff"
Watching: nothing, as usual
I love the way you are watching nothing as usual, I expect this is because you are @oftenreading