Curious as too how many people noticed toward the end of the video,that the children in the classroom went from having their hands over their hearts during the pledge of allegiance,to giving the Hitler salute,then back to having their hands over their hearts again?
-Christopher Walken
you're=you are
your=showing ownership
The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
This is a little bit of my own personal Mandela Effect, but that scene in the classroom where they're all doing that salute, I swear I remember a Nazi flag or one where the swastika is in place of the stars of the American flag...but I'm also 95% sure I'm making that up.
And...another interesting thing...during the "try to forget this" bit, there's a scene where he's running through leaves on the ground....leaves on ground, fall, end of life, downfall...maybe?
The scene with the fire could be reminiscent of Hell, maybe?
I'm just now reminded of Eddie's quote about killing yourself to get the headline and then people move on and forget about it. But if you don't kill yourself, maybe you get longer-lasting fame and fortune?
Eddie also said something about how the song was partially based on someone he knew...maybe with LA ties?
Pearl Jam bootlegs: