Tivoli 1992 streams today!

JoostoneJoostone Posts: 236
Tivoli will stream the legendary show from 1992 tonight at 8 CET. (2 pm EDT/ 11 am PDT)

Maybe someone can capture this aswell??

PJ: Pinkpop 2000, Sydney I/II/III 2003, Adelaide 2003, Arnhem 2006, Antwerp 2006, Berlin 2006, Dusseldorf 2007, Nijmegen 2007, Werchter 2007, Rotterdam 2009, Berlin 2009, Nijmegen 2010, Amsterdam I/II 2012, Amsterdam I/II 2014, Amsterdam I/II 2018, Pinkpop 2018, Werchter 2018, Pinkpop 2022, Budapest 2022, Krakow 2022, Amsterdam 2022.
EV: Amsterdam II 2012, Amsterdam I/III 2017, Amsterdam I 2019
Brad: Zoetermeer & Utrecht 2013
Soundgarden: Pinkpop 2012, Amsterdam 2013, Utrecht 2014


  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,087
    Sweet! If it's up on Facebook publicly it'll be easy to capture.

  • SK20613SK20613 Apex, NC Posts: 108
    Will it be in a higher resolution that any of the ones on YT?
  • LizJLizJ Posts: 359
    Seems to be the one that you can find on YouTube as well. But thanks anyway. Nice reminder to rewatch 😊.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,087


    Pearl Jam: live in Tivoli (1992)

    Throwback Thursday! Watch and listen to one of the most legendary concerts in Tivoli aan de Oudegracht. It's 1992 grunge is exploding worldwide. Pearl Jam just released the famous album 'Ten'. It's the right band at the right time, in a full of Tivoli. The image quality is not too good, but luckily the audio is not lying about it. A solid dive into history!

    After the show, frontman Eddie Vedder went into the pub with our colleagues. There was a special relationship: a few months later, Vedder appears in a homemade Tivolisshirt on the stage of Pinkpop. Read more here: www.tivolivredenburg.nl/eddievedder/

    It's quiet in TivoliVredenburg. To get through these concertless days we go live daily at 20.00 pm. To watch together, because... music sounds better with you!

    Looking back? ☞ www.tivolivredenburg.nl/live

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