The World IS one!

Summersas79Summersas79 Posts: 89
edited March 2020 in The Porch
I wrote this a little earlier for my friends and loved ones on facebook that I hardly get to see/hear from. I'm gonna post it here too... Cus truth is truth. You may agree or disagree. But, that neither confirms nor negates the reality that we ALL COLLECTIVELY rly NEED to get our heads out of the sand or worse yet... Out of our a$$holes and face up to. Our governments the world over (except perhaps in the Nordic countries) are essentially worthless and accomplish nothing but keeping us all divided amongst ourselves. We have all the technology we need right now to provide food, shelter and relative comfort for all! World wide. We just need to wake up and all collectively say f*ck this to the systems presently in place to keep the multitude in check. So, here was my (at least I think) relatively simple message to my loved ones.  I'm passing it on to all of you because it occurred to me shortly after writing it that I should do so. Do with it what you will...

To all my friends and loved ones. You're all very dear to me. I just want us all to know, that no matter what happens or how bad it may get, I'll never give up! Neither should you! Don't give up! Don't give in! I know we are experiencing a moment collectively in history that perhaps only occurs roughly ever 500 years or so and we're all thinking the same thing on one level or another. "I could so have existed without this sh*t". Too true. But instead of looking at our present circumstances with dread, fear and loathing... Try to see beyond it. Because beyond it will only come true if you can see it. Our world, our psyches will be collectively forever changed from this experience. Maybe it was the galvanizing catalyst we needed to remake ourselves and the world we inhabit into something infinitely more compassionate, empathetic, unified and loving than it ever was before. As well it should my darlings. Cus if this isn't enough to wake us all collectively to EVERYTHING wrong... I really don't want to be here for what follows. So, let's will this virus and our reactions to it... To be the ONLY true wake up call we really need to unify us as a species! F*ck religion, f*ck politics, f*ck money! Those things no longer have any true place (other than the place we give them) in the world. We are one people. All desiring the same thing. Love, health, happiness and abundance. Not just for ourselves, but for all. Let this extraordinary circumstance be the great unifier for all! "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one".
Post edited by Summersas79 on


  • TN49724TN49724 Posts: 102
    Stay safe there friend.  Ya, that’s all I got on that one. 
  • TN49724 said:
    Stay safe there friend.  Ya, that’s all I got on that one. 
    Fair enough cus, I'm a bit overwhelming and so are the present circumstances. Lol
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,154
     Let this extraordinary circumstance be the great unifier for all! "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one".

    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  •  Let this extraordinary circumstance be the great unifier for all! "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one".

    Not quite sure how to take that... 😶
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