New Eddie Vedder article from 2020 Cubs Fantasy Camp

As another season of baseball readies to open later this month, we print here the photo of two Chicago Cubs veterans ...
Cubs veterans? Those two?
Yes, they are ... at least, of another Cubs Fantasy Camp, those gatherings that each year allow regular folk to spend a week living and playing the major league life.
At the right — snapped at the 2020 Cubs Fantasy Camp in Arizona — is McLean County Circuit Judge Paul Lawrence, a longtime Cubs fan and camper. The other guy is Eddie Vedder, another Cubs fanatic and camp regular who is probably better known for his regular day job: Vedder is front man and lead singer of the iconic mega-rock band, Pearl Jam.
That photo?
Snapped, says Lawrence, shortly after Vedder’s team beat Lawrence’s team at the fantasy camp, won when Vedder scampered home with the winning run, sliding in to beat the throw from Lawrence.
And significance?
That night, Vedder got out his guitar and played for a group of about 40 campers and a few wives (including Lawrence’s wife, B-N lawyer Helen Ogar) but started by announcing to the group that he could imagine some day getting in trouble and appearing in court to see Judge Lawrence who would “throw the book at me in retaliation for me scoring the winning run."
That'd be a pearl sure to jam any McLean County courtroom.
And throwing the book at Vedder, as opposed to a baseball ... classic.
nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have
sex without dating; that's a fantasy camp.