Trade ticket for Phoenix

Hi. I have 2 good floor seats for the show in Glendale AZ. Both myself and my girlfriend are short in stature and would rather not have floor seats. Anyone want to trade?


  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    Honestly, you might just want to hold on to those.  I had GA tix for Phoenix the last time they were here.  My GF and I just hung out at the back of the GA "pit" and could see the stage quite well.  I'm not by any means tall.  The GA pit is small and it's not crowded in the back.  If some tall jerk blocks your view, just take a step left or right.
    Honestly, the back of a small GA pit is one of the best spots in the house IMO.  You can see and you have lots of room.

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