Letters to Santa Pearl Jam

in The Porch
We’re less than a month away from the official kick off of the tour in Toronto! Everyone on all of these pages are spewing song requests left and right, but let’s pride ourselves on a little creativity here. Since this is like Christmas, let’s write letters to Santa Jam asking them to gift us songs to play at the shows we’ll be attending. I’ll start off, no need to be as in depth as I will be...
Dear Santa Jam,
I have been a really good fan in the last year and a half since the last time you’ve played! I’ve done something unoriginal and lame and have started a podcast talking about you guys, but the end result is that it seems to make some people happy so we keep doing it. But it has led me down some amazing rabbit holes through your history teaching me about stories and performances I never knew existed, and I also really like all of my brand new friends we’ve made who have shared these stories with us.
I know that fans can sometimes be selfish and entitled, and I tried really hard not to do that this year. But my heart was broken when I didn’t get tickets for MSG and I got a little upset with your new friend “the Ticketmaster.” Even though I’m still gonna go without a ticket, it has led me to a new opportunity to view to a part of the country I’ve never been before to a place called St. Louis. I’ll be seeing you there and then I’ll travel to a far far away land of weed and windmills to see you TWICE!
For St. Louis, Santa Jam, please play the one song I have been waiting 12 years to see, the one where as a 12 year old I put into my CD player for the first time and was blown away because I had never heard anything like it. Please play Brain of J in St. Louis so we can rock out harder than we’ve ever rocked before. Maybe some of my friends have seen it, but I want to experience the same joy that they have.
Can’t wait to hear more new music, and sorry I called Superblood Wolfmoon a .260 hitter. Maybe it’ll get some extra base hits when you play it live and raise its average.
Randy from Live On 4 Legs
Send us your letters and we’ll read them on air in the next week or two! - liveon4legspodcast@gmail.com
Hi, I host a Pearl Jam Podcast. We go back to some of the classic shows in their history and break down the entire setlist front to back. From historic perspective, to performances, to setlist construction, to fan stories. We do our best to capture the magic that is their live act and help you relive those memories, or if you weren't there, maybe turn you on to a show you've never heard before.
Live On 4 Legs can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify and any other major podcast platform. But please support our website and check out the episodes archived there. Oh, and the Concertpedia as well (for you Five Horizons and Two Feet Thick fans, we've picked up where they've left off)
Live On 4 Legs can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify and any other major podcast platform. But please support our website and check out the episodes archived there. Oh, and the Concertpedia as well (for you Five Horizons and Two Feet Thick fans, we've picked up where they've left off)