Appreciation thread

I know that this is a fanclub and this is a bit over doing it, but I just wanted to throw it out there: these two new songs are amazing, especially back-to-back. Even though I lived in the States when the Seattle scene broke, you can say that I loved my hairspray too much (an eufemisme to say that's I listened to terrible music). I came late in the game (around Vitalogy and No Code; and since I am an Antropologist, I have dissected these albums from a social scientific point of view - only in Dutch I am a afraid, but if you want a link (or have translation software) just send me a PM.) When I became a fan (it was a year after No Code, internet wasn't that yet and just like the hairspray, I was late in the game. I am not a trendsetter. I missed all the excitement re. Yield. That is when I became a TenC member and Binaural was actually the album that I bought consciously; living up to the moment, reading the reviews etc. I still remember waiting on the busstop, after buying the CD at nine in the morning and actually got chills when I read the lines: "We were but stones, your light made us stars." Poetry. (I have dissected this album also.) I know that this album got some slack, but to me it is somewhere in the top 5. Riot Act was for me personally a bit of a let down. I missed the energy and experimentation that I heard on the previous albums. This is of course just one opinion among thousands. I don't expect a Vitalogy 2.0. And I think many bands will jump for joy if they could create ST, BS and LB. I believe that artists should be able to reinvent themselves, and this costs sometimes time and also wading your way through the bushes in order to grow. I think they were struggling a bit between ST and LB. Partly due the artistic and creative course they wanted to take and the weight you feel of the expectations on your shoulders from others. (Besides an Antropologist, I am also a fiction writer with a small group of followers, nothing compared to PJ; but you feel this pressure literally. The constant self doubt. "Are my readers ready for this approach? What if I turn this upside down?" In the end, it it is all about taking that step, leaving your comfort-zone etc.) This is a though time for me. Barely being able tot stand after my mother passed away 5 weeks ago and I am struggling with pneuma, bereavement, sleep deprivation, finding a place for my löss and grief.- but through all all this static and noise, I can feel a sliver of the excitement, in the same way I did in 2000 with Binaural, and I am grateful for that. First I wasn't sure about Blood Moon, but after reading the lyrics ("I hope I hurt your fist") and there are some others poetic gems in there; I am sold. This album feels like an whole and not just a collection of songs. But an Interconnection of songs. We will know for sure next month. I could be wrong of course but how Blood Moon goes over in TDOC is perfect. Just wanted to throw it out there. Even through the noise, pain, grief, disbelief etc. life throws at you it is good to stand still every now and then and appreciate what you *do* hear.
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"The future ain't what it used to be..."