Timeline for album #12
Based on the lengths of time between their last few albums, including Gigaton, what’s the over/under on # of years until the next album? Hopefully this post doesn’t piss too many people off. I know I know...”Gigaton isn’t even out yet and this guy over here is bitching about when the next album’s coming out!” Blah blah blah.
-EV 8/14/93
If they can keep cranking out songs like DotC and Superblood Wolfmoon then I say keep the records coming
Something had to have happened. Can’t deny me didn’t have the impact I think they wanted it to. I have this feeling that a new record was almost done, but the poor reception of that song made them switch gears, make new material, get a new producer and push themselves more, which so far has been an excellent change in sound if you ask me
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
another election year.... when the country won’t be sure Trump will leave or not
im sure that will piss em off