The murder of prime minister Olof Palme might be on its way to be solved

The biggest active murder investigation in the world.
Swedish prime minister Olof Palme was shot dead after visiting a movie theatre on February 28 1986. A heavily criticized investigation that has had a lot of of different leads and a lot of conspiracy theories tied to it. Famed swedish criminologist Leif GW Persson believes that the killer is someone connected to the police in some way (the "Police trace" being one of the many leads of the case). Olof Palme being hated at the time by many on the right, and many inside the Swedish police force.
A man (a lone assassin) was charged for the murder a few years after the murder, but later freed.
Now 34 years later, the current prosecutor says that he believes the murder will be solved and the solution presented within six months.
Prosecutor Krister Petersson:
Chief Prosecutor Krister Petersson will either prosecute someone or drop the 34-year-old preliminary investigation into the Olof Palme murder.
- It is a mixture of different things that has lead to this, says Krister Petersson. Among other things, we have a new theory of what happened at the crime scene.
- It is a mixture of different things that has lead to this, says Krister Petersson. Among other things, we have a new theory of what happened at the crime scene.
Criminologist Leif GW Persson:
Olof Palme's killer is dead - and what lies behind the prosecutor's new comments may be that the murder weapon has been found.
This is the opinion of professor of criminology Leif GW Persson.
"When you do something like this, you have to be really damn sure of having something concrete," he tells Aftonbladet.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
SE ("The Skandia Man")
- Graphic Designer at the insurance company Skandia at the time. Working the night of the murder, in their office located a few minutes from the location of the murder.
- punched/Checked out of work just before the murder
- It is proven he was at the crime scene after the murder. He claims he was a witness - and even helped the dying prime minister. No one else, helping him out, have seen SE though or worked with him on trying to save Olof Palmes life.
- Has lied about details regarding what he did on the night of the murder (like claiming he was helping saving Palmes life, etc)
- Wore clothes and a bag, similar to what witnesses has stated they saw the running gunman wear.
- Had a known dislike of Olof Palme.
- Was neighbour with a "gun collector" who could have owned a .357 Magnum
KA ("The Double/The look-alike")
- Lived very close to the crime scene
- People claim that he very much resembles the man Olof Palmes widow identified as Palmes murdered, and who was also charged for it (and later freed).
- Fits the "criminal profile" that was made, with help from the FBI, about the killer
- Owned a .357 Magnum - which is the ONLY registered magnum in the Stockholm area that has not been investigated by police
- Refused to hand over his magnum, and when confronted said that he had sold it (in not very plausible way)
- Had a known hatred of Palme - is said to have shot his television once when Palme was on.
- His story of what he did on the murder night, is disputed by friends and family
- Is said to have visited a café opposite where Palme was shot on the day of the murder for several years (he was a regular at the café though, so could be a tall tale or just a coincidence someone picked up and ran with)
- In 2008, when police visited his apartment because his brother was worried about him - he shot himself dead when the knocking persons identified themselves as being police
Then ofc, we have all theories about right winged-police men killing him, hitmen from South Africa doing it, CIA doing it etc etc.
But those to are, according to criminologist Leif GW Persson and other poople the most credible people the investigation know could have something more an conclusive on.
Should happen before july (first half of 2020).
More point to "The Skandia Man" in other words.
South Africa, responsible for the murder of Olof Palme, according to sources
Mostly, there have been talk about "The Skandia Man". But three experts on Palme, says they have information from within the investigation that he solution to the murder to be presented has a completely different focus: South Africa.
June 10 9:30 in the morning.
So in 5 days!
- "The Skandia Man" which the newspapers are pushing.
- "South Africa" which Social Democratic insiders are saying is the case.
09:30 CET tomorrow. 34 years in the making.
After 34 Years, Sweden Says It Knows the Killer of Olof Palme
A prosecutor said there was “reasonable evidence” that the man who shot the Swedish prime minister was Stig Engstrom, a graphic designer, who took his own life in 2000.
Bedeviled for over 34 years by the mysterious killing of Olof Palme, the Swedish prime minister who was shot in the back by an unknown assailant on a quiet Stockholm street, Sweden’s judiciary finally made its case on Wednesday.
At a news conference in Stockholm, the prosecutor Krister Petersson said that there was “reasonable evidence” that the assailant was Stig Engstrom, a graphic designer at an insurance company, who killed himself in 2000, at the age of 66. He added that only a court could rule on whether Mr. Engstrom was guilty or not, but that since the suspect is deceased, there would be no court case.
But the prosecutor said he also could not rule out the possibility that Mr. Engstrom had acted as part of a larger conspiracy.
Mr. Petersson said he had reached his conclusions after an exhaustive investigation that he compared to those of the Kennedy assassination and the downing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
More at link:
was he considered a really good prime minister at the time of his death?
At the same time there was a widespread hatred that existed against him in Sweden - from the political right, from the business sector and within the police/military.
An example that is usually brought up to show this, are these dartboards that was sold at the time:
Internationally he also made enemies. Which is also where the investigation has looked for people responsible for the assassination.
From Wiki:
All of this ensured that Palme had many opponents as well as many friends abroad.[32]
The first big lead in the investigation was the so called "PKK lead" with them suspecting kurds from the PKK has killed him. Later on South Africa has been a focus. Among "hobby investigators" the "police lead" has always been interesting, that it was a conspiracy within the police or military. But this guy they pointed out at the press briefing (without any real evidence or new information) was just a Swedish guy buy himself. The same with the guy who in the late 80s stood trial for the crime.