Ticketmaster $1250 per seat??
I would truly like to know how Ticketmaster is selling 7 tickets in section 102 Row 2 for $1250 each, for the Sunday, April 19th show. How is this being allowed or accomplished? I’m very upset that I had 4 tickets in section 107 and The Ticketmaster system froze on me and kicked me out while trying to purchase tickets. Even while trying to do things the right or fair way, we still get shafted by scalpers. It’s wrong!
Second, Ticketmaster does NOT set ticket prices. That's done by the band/management in conjunction with the tour promoter. Yes I know it's Live Nation this timewhich owns TM but it's the band that sets the prices.
This is a professional ticket broker.
Rage msg charity tickets are 70% cheaper.
Nuclear fission