andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
edited January 2020 in Given To Fly (live)

Any new realizations... would have to wait...
Til he had more time,... more time...
Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
Post edited by andrew68 on


  • RamalhaoRamalhao Portugal Posts: 15
    Any ticket trade for OAK?
  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    Ramalhao said:
    Any ticket trade for OAK?
    unfortunately no
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
  • rollingsrollings unknown Posts: 7,125
    Tickets for Oakland night 2 are available now
  • andrew68andrew68 Toronto Posts: 1,841
    rollings said:
    Tickets for Oakland night 2 are available now
    THANK YOU ! 
    decent 2nd level as well.....stone or McCready side available!
    Any new realizations... would have to wait...
    Til he had more time,... more time...
    Time to dream,... to himself... he waves goodbye,
    To himself... I'll see you on the other side...
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