Texas to OKC show

bmurray06bmurray06 Austin, Texas Posts: 155
I live in Austin, and am planning on driving up to the OKC show April 6th. Just wanted to know if anyone out there is interested in carpooling along I-35.


  • You can stop in Pampa Sunday night and run with us to OKC
  • Will be heading up from Dallas!
    Dallas 2013 
    Wrigley 2016 Night 1
    Wrigley 2016 Night 2
    MSG 2020
    OKC 2020

  • If you need to sell one of your OKC GA I have a friend wanting to go to his first PJ show.  He is ready to buy as soon as F2F starts up.

    Nacogdoches `93 Dallas`98 BSB `01 OKC `03 Houston `03 Vic `07 OKC `13 Tulsa `14  EV Tulsa 1 `12
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