I'm broken

I've been a fan since 1990. Ten club member. Flown to a couple European shows even though I could barely afford to. Drove to several different cities on the east coast to see PJ live. I have posters, tshirts merch from practically every show I've been to. Lived and died several times over in my lifetime for this band. Then to be totally shut out by Ticketmaster is the irony of all ironies. Shut out by the very technology that I've been trying to avoid. Fate controlled by the click of a friggin computer key. I'm sick... I'm broken... do I surrender to after market tix? Shaking my head. 99%? And I still Love you guys!
Go police go!
*Police with tail between legs slithers away*
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song
And so I came to see him to listen for a while.
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.