Star Trek: PICARD

That first episode was some of the best Trek I've seen in a long time. Kudos to the production/writing/casting team!
I especially loved them integrating Cmdr Maddux into the show. After trying to prove Data was a piece of property early on, he and Data eventually built a camaraderie, and it looks like he will play a bigger role going forward.
I especially loved them integrating Cmdr Maddux into the show. After trying to prove Data was a piece of property early on, he and Data eventually built a camaraderie, and it looks like he will play a bigger role going forward.
I'll have to wait until it comes out on NetFlix. Damn... the waiting!
So now there are two shows I want to watch on there ...annoying. at some point I'm going to need to sign up for a few months just to watch those.
Already have Netflix, Prime, and Hulu. This is gonna get out of control very soon.
Brian, that isn't going to ever be on Netflix, or not anytime soon. This is CBS trying to fight against Netflix - all of the studios will be doing this soon enough
Is there a Discovery S1 out there?
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I'll never understand why a major broadcaster would make its most hyped shows with a preexisting fan base so damn hard to watch.
My mom has the CBS streaming service, but I do not. (She likes Picard)
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Can we give away spoilers here?