10 Club/ Ticketmaster Presale Issues

in The Porch
Won tickets to Baltimore through the initial 10 Club presale; missed on St. Louis. Got a verified fan code for Baltimore (don't need it, can't transfer it) but not St. Louis. Does anyone know if I can buy tickets using my Ticketmaster Verified Fan Presale code for a couple friends who aren't in the fan club? Or is there a way to buy extra tickets for Baltimore and swap with someone who has extras for St. Louis?
Your guru awaits
PJ TenClub is setting up a Fan to Fan portal in late February. It is not clear at all how this will work other than you can post ticket(s) you can't use for sale at face value. Don't know if you will be able to specify and agree on buyer/seller or if you post the tickets, whomever wants them gets them. There is a lot of speculation about the latter, the actual implementation of the marketplace will indicate what the "rules" of engagement are.
http://www.hi5sports.org/ (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
In the past, 10C ticket trades or sales (at face) to other members were arranged on the board (mostly G2F). You could be pretty confident that most members here were shooting straight and not going to fuck your over, but in the event that they did I think there was always the backstop where you felt like you could report them to the club and potentially get their card pulled. If someone does something shady this time and you complain to the club, are they going to intervene or just say “hey you should have used the Fan-To-Fan Exchange that our friends at Ticketmaster so graciously set up for you”?
Off site fan to fan is always risky, but I never had a problem because I always did that with fans I actually knew through other means.
http://www.hi5sports.org/ (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)