Ticket Prices - 1998

in The Porch
How dare they increase prices this much over 22 years! Kidding of course, the 2020 prices are very reasonable in my opinion, especially compared to other bands. Thought this was fun to see, I have to find the blue mailer from 1996.

Wellington 1998
London 2007
Brisbane 2009
Stockholm 2012
EV Dublin 2017
Milan 2018
Padova 2018
Boston 2 2018
Auckland 1 & 2 2024
i remember getting 5 shows that yr through TM windows. Had to wait the “regional freeze” of 15 mins before I could get them. I always drove to the most obscure TM outlet in town hoping for no lines.
Melbourne #2 '03
Melbourne #3 '03
Melbourne #1 '06
Melbourne #3 '06
Melbourne '09
Melbourne '14