Info: PJ20 Klausen Variant

Attended PJ20 and was lucky enough to pull the Klausen Variant in the poster line. 

Was more curious on how many of those were available or any info.. I've had it stored, haven't gotten around to framing the beast yet. 

Anyone know how common these were at the show? Colors on it are great and glad to have it! 



  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,289
    According to EB, there were 20 printed. Last one on eBay sold for $400. 
  • Jeez i figured there'd be way more than 20. Thanks for the info!
  • superj72superj72 Posts: 135
    There are unsigned, not-numbered variants floating out there as well. I have one of those. Same with the Ames PJ20 variant. 
  • That is like mine.. unsigned, no number. When i got poster at the show, they pulled the next one in the stack and it was the variant. Pretty cool to have it happen
  • Jimmydean55Jimmydean55 Posts: 1,289
    Sorry, I should have mentioned that the edition of 20 were all signed and numbered. I don’t see any info about the unsigned ones. Very cool poster though! 
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