Decade in Review

Well, I haven't posted in a few years, but here I am December of 2019 and reflecting back on the past decade of time. A lot has changed, but here is my decade in review. I challenge you all to do the same, reflect, share, and grow.

Wow, another decade gone by… Although this past year has been pretty tough on me mentally and physically, this decade I have experienced both the worst times of my life as well as some good times. I lost my grandparents, the two people that meant the most to me, that always loved me, that always believed in me, that supported me and helped me be the man I am today. I suffered two health scares including one that would change my life and that I am still trying to overcome. I found a job that pays me well, that gives the freedom and vacation time that most people only dream of. I saw Pearl Jam 14 more times including the Hartford, CT show where Mike McCready signed and handed me a vinyl copy of Lightning Bolt during the show from the stage. I watched the NYE Ball drop in Times Square. I ice skated at Fenway Park!!! I went to Wisconsin to see Pearl Jam Twenty, got a haircut, met Dennis Rodman, and watched a game at Wrigley Field. I loved, I got married, I bought a house, a boat, caught some massive stripers, and adopted two amazing dogs. Tuukka and I had it rough at first but his unconditional love sucked me in. He showed me and taught me so much and although Lola is Daddy’s girl, Tuukka will always be my number 1. I watched the Bruins win it all!! I sold my home and moved to Florida, something I always dreamed of. I bought a new house, fixed it up completing many of the renovations myself. I rescued my third dog, Sam, from a family member. I found new friends, became more active, joined a couple of hockey leagues, went treasure hunting, enjoyed the beaches, the amazing sunsets, and the finest weather anyone could ask for. I conquered Mt. Chocorua in 30 degree weather, torrential rain, and washed out trails. I went to six weddings, was a part of two of them and saw how beautiful love can be. I got divorced but found new love. I went on new adventures, Colorado where I hiked and saw many cool rock formations, Georgia where I camped, hiked and saw Ed Harcourt, where he performed "Watching the Sun Come Up" for me, West Virginia where I spent a Christmas and felt like part of a family and how in my heart Christmas should be. And I lost… I lost love and I lost myself and felt broken… But I picked up the pieces and traveled with friends and a lot on my own. Slowly I found my way with the help of the the one constant in my life, the help of Pearl Jam’s music, as well as time and other sources. I rediscovered who I am, who I want to be, what I want in my life as well as what I want to get out of my life. My journey is not over and I don’t need a new decade to start new as each day is a new day. But in a way I do feel like I am starting over in a sense as 2019 was a transformational year for me and I look forward to the next decade, its challenges, its adventures, and the new people it will bring. I want to thank all of you that were part of my life this past decade, new friends and old. No matter where our travels take us and which paths we follow, It has been a true pleasure. It is inevitable that through time some of us will lose touch and maybe never talk or see each other again but I thank you for being part of my journey and I wish you the best on yours regardless of the circumstances.
1996: Hartford
1998: Mansfield 1
2000: Mansfield 1 & 2
2003: Albany, Uniondale, Mansfield 1, 2 & 3
2004: Boston 1 & 2
2005: Montreal, Ottawa
2006: Albany, Hartford, Boston 1 & 2
2008: Columbia, Virginia Beach, Camden 1 & 2, Washington D. C., Hartford, Mansfield 1 & 2
2010: Boston
2011: East Troy 1 & 2
2012: Pensacola
2013: Worcester 1 & 2, Hartford


  • vogonpoetbythelakevogonpoetbythelake Posts: 2,146
    edited December 2019
    Thank you do much for sharing your adventures and the long road  you have traveled thus far!! I wish you many more miles and miles of the good red road! 
    Peace and Love to you and yours in the coming decades and beyond...
  • Thoughts_ArriveThoughts_Arrive Melbourne, Australia Posts: 15,165
    It was a big decade for me now that I reflect back....

    Experienced my first job retrenchment.
    Bought a house.
    Went overseas on a holiday.
    Suffered mental health issues and sought professional help for the first time.
    Broke a bone for the first time.
    Tried to get into the police force but failed after coming close.
    Quit a job without having another job.
    Wrote my first ever songs.
    Performed my songs live for the first time.
    Took up singing lessons for the first time.
    Spent a few years trying different jobs and careers from cafe work, real estate, and started and dropped out of an electrician pre-apprenticeship course.
    Went back to university.
    Changed from studying teaching to studying psychology and completed my degree.
    Got accepted into Honours.
    Went to art galleries for the first time.
    Took up painting and finished my first painting.
    Took up art classes for the first time.
    Took up yoga for the first time.
    Tried mindfulness meditation for the first time.
    Lost "friends" and made new friends.
    Reconnected with old friends from primary school.
    Had to deal with my mum's cancer battle.
    Became estranged from my sister.
    Went to a number of concerts.
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • dankinddankind Posts: 20,839
    Goddamn kids.

    That’s my decade in review.
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