Applying for disabled access tickets

in The Porch
Thought this might help others as well as myself..
In the UK when you apply for a ticket to a festival or gig you get a free carers ticket.. As long as you are on top DLA or PIP
Could anyone please let me know if this applies over Europe AND European festivals as thinking of going to Paris lollapalooza..
Thanks in advance for all your help.. And I hope this can answer some other people's concerns.
Thought this might help others as well as myself..
In the UK when you apply for a ticket to a festival or gig you get a free carers ticket.. As long as you are on top DLA or PIP
Could anyone please let me know if this applies over Europe AND European festivals as thinking of going to Paris lollapalooza..
Thanks in advance for all your help.. And I hope this can answer some other people's concerns.