Jens Larsen Guitar Lessons (the best if you are serious about getting better as a player)

Hi all. If you are one like me that struggled to learn guitar, this might help. If you are already a bad mf player, you probably don't need to read further.
I got to into guitar playing almost 25 years and like many here I'm guessing, I largely influenced/motivated by Pearl Jam.
And that's been great! But after so many years of playing, I started to feel stuck. I started to realize that I really don't know much about my instrument. Never studied theory and scales in depth. Never learned to play detailed solos well. On and on.
That has started to change in the last few months thanks to a handful of Youtubers and one in particular, Mr. Jens Larsen. His Youtube videos are quite informative. The topics tend to be at a level above beginner. That said, there is room for beginners most definitely!!! Jens has created a Facebook community that currently has close to 4000 members. There are players from all levels, professional to very beginner. Jens actively monitors the page and generally responds to all questions promptly. Join him on Patreon and you will be on your way to being a jazz player. Be warned, once you dive into the rabbit hole of jazz playing, there is no turning back!
Jens Larsen Youtube
Jens Larsen Facebook
Jens Larsen Patreon
I got to into guitar playing almost 25 years and like many here I'm guessing, I largely influenced/motivated by Pearl Jam.
And that's been great! But after so many years of playing, I started to feel stuck. I started to realize that I really don't know much about my instrument. Never studied theory and scales in depth. Never learned to play detailed solos well. On and on.
That has started to change in the last few months thanks to a handful of Youtubers and one in particular, Mr. Jens Larsen. His Youtube videos are quite informative. The topics tend to be at a level above beginner. That said, there is room for beginners most definitely!!! Jens has created a Facebook community that currently has close to 4000 members. There are players from all levels, professional to very beginner. Jens actively monitors the page and generally responds to all questions promptly. Join him on Patreon and you will be on your way to being a jazz player. Be warned, once you dive into the rabbit hole of jazz playing, there is no turning back!
Jens Larsen Youtube
Jens Larsen Facebook
Jens Larsen Patreon