FS/FT 2013 Portland

mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,272
Received in the last mystery box. Was stored flat at first, but been in a tube for about 2 1/2 months.

I posted this trade a few months ago, so if you're wondering why I still have it here's why. If you don't care, then skip this paragraph. 2 or 3 days after posting it last time I unexpectedly received a job offer at one of the most sought after districts in the state (I'm a teacher). We went from thinking we would be staying in our house for many more years to having only 3 weeks to pack up, move out and list our house all while searching for a new home an hour away. It was so fast and crazy we ended up living out of a hotel for about the first 10 days of the school year and then slowly unpacking once we got to move into the new house. So I just ignored the idea of any trades while I tried to get everything done to move. That is also why it got packed back into the tube.

As everyone tells me, it really is an amazing poster. I just don't have a desire to keep posters of shows I didn't attend, especially one of this value. My goal is to finally obtain the CrackerJack. I am interested in a trade for the CJ. I have a few friends who are avid poster collectors and say that is an equal value trade, but looking on ebay it does look like CJ has a little more value. So if there is no interested in a straight trade I would consider some additional compensation.

Also considering cash. Looking for $550 (I'll pay shipping and insurance), that seems what I could get on ebay after all the seller fees, etc. I will consider offers close to that if that seems high, or if I snag a CJ for less.

Thanks for looking!


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