How satisifed are you with Pearl Jam radio?

Going to work is so much fun as I can listen to Pearl Jam radio all day, so I'd be interested to know how satisfied other Pearl Jam fans are with PJ Radio?

How satisifed are you with Pearl Jam radio? 0 votes

Extremely Satisfied - It's like Eddie Vedder is inside of me
Very Satisfied - EV's voice fills my heart with warmth and love
Satisfied - My EV needs have been met
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied - Like the song indifference perhaps
Dissatisfied - Not sure what I'm doing on here anymore
I can't get no satisfaction - perhaps listen to the rolling stones


  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    I don't want any member of the band (or any of the band member's members) inside of me :confounded:

    (and I've never listened to PJ Radio =) )
  • @hedonist Ok so I kind of meant inside your spirit emanating good vibes keeping you happy and buoyant all day long.
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