Need Suggestions And Help With Upgrading Turntable

I have tons of vinyl. Bought it since the 70's and still buy it now. Love Record Store Day. Have every single Pearl Jam XMas 45. Been listening for the last few years on an Audio Technica AT-LP-120-USB turntable. I wanted to try to upgrade a bit and someone suggested I start with going with a big upgrade to the stylus. The stock one is called an ATN95E and I was able to find out that there are 3 higher levels of upgrade in the ATN series and went for the best one, an ATN95SA for $175 from a company called LP Gear in Nevada. So I switched over to the new stylus and the needle just skates right across the record. Switched back and forth between the new and old just to make sure I wasn't messing up in the switcheroo, but the old one always tracks fine and the new one skates. I don't think it's a tracking force issue since they both recommend the same 2.0 g number. Getting very little satisfaction trying to communicate via email with LP Gear who sold it to me. Looks like I may be back to square one with my tail between my legs.
Can anyone offer any suggestions on what I should try to do? Do you need to upgrade the entire cartridge and not just the stylus? I would really appreciate any suggestions. My head is spinning faster than a record on the turntable.
Post edited by satchoroyale on
If that looks good, check that the angle of the cantilever is actually placing the diamond in the groove. I have seen styli with damaged suspensions that just lay the cantilever across the record surface.
Either of those situations would cause the behavior you have described.
Photos of the mounted cartridge and stylus might help to get to the bottom of this.
If you can, put the new stylus on your cartridge, install the headshell on the tonearm and cue up a record. Take a few pictures of the stylus while it's on a record, both from the front and the side.
I might be able to tell from that if the angle is the problem.
Generally speaking, the biggest and most appreciable upgrade you can make is by changing speakers. They will have the biggest impact.
Changing your stylus/cartridge can definitely improve your experience but the change is likely to be more subtle and may be a compromise. As an example, you might gain more high frequency detail but it may come at the expense of added surface noise on less than pristine records.
I also have multiple head shells ready to go with different cartridges and styli for exactly the reasons you describe. Some are higher end Shibatatas and some are budget oriented conicals. They all sound fairly similar to each other for the primarily middle of the road quality, rock and roll pressings I listen to.
Good luck with your quest!