you and your family

Just wondering if I'm alone here in having absolutely nothing in common with my family other than shared genes.
For example, everytime I see my sister she never takes interest in me. If I start talking about my songwriting or paintings or cooking she doesn't respond other than to change topics. I feel like there's no communication between us no matter how hard I try. She was in the car with me this morning as we had to go pick up a cake. Most of the drive was in silence. And she never asks how I'm doing with my mental health. I feel like she doesn't care. She only talks about herself.
I'm the only artistic one in the family and only one who doesn't buy into this married with kids and house and 9-5 job ideal.
We're having a family lunch today and I'm dreading it like I always do. There's never anything to talk about that we have common interest in. I just find them all uninspiring. My friends and their partners are more family than my biological family.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Pretty disgusting. But I am not confrontational and today isn't the day as it is my parents' wedding anniversary but fuck I am seething.
My mom goes to the cinema a lot and keeps updated, so we talk a lot about film. And how sad it is we did not get the chance to see Leonard Cohen live once more.
With dad, there is a lot of talk about how the world is going to shit and Neil Young and after every new album "how he has lost it".
My brothers also join in on the Neil Young talk at family dinners, or we talk about some new thing Nintendo has done and "how they have lost it".
With my sister it's more talk about her kids and our jobs, and about how irritating mom and dad are in different ways. She is watching through the A Nightmare on Elm Street series now though, so randomly I can get a text about that.
But not having much in common with ones family isn't all that uncommon. There are two brothers out of Manchester, england who doesn't even speak to eachother at all. Etc. And they would have The Beatles and Manchester City to talk about.
even if I look and act really crazy.
It's important to remember that family will tolerate you when others would not.
People who live with their folks into adulthood, would your best friend lets you live there rent-free or if not rent-free at least affordable rent? My brother had substance abuse issues and often ended up back home...he always knew they would never see him homeless. His friends would allow him a few weeks, but friends do have limits and boundaries need to be drawn.