ISO Specturm 10/31 Poster

Hi All

I am sure this is going to be a reach, especially with the 10th Anniversary coming up but worth a shot. I was at all shows but stupid me never got merch.  Now for the sappy part for really wanting memorabilia.   

A month prior I was having emergency back surgery and told I might not walk again.   Surgery was a success and month later I was singing and jumping along with everyone.   Having those shows a month out helped me heal and music got me through it.    Heard my first Inside Job and Smile that night.   

Fast forward to present,   I am now headed towards brain surgery Halloween morning. Four months after the back surgery, I started to have seizures.  I had just turned 30, still recovering from back surgery now a rare form of epilepsy.    It hasn’t been fun to live with but things can always be worse.    My seizures are rare as they ranged from major hospitalization to the frequent mini seizures where I am fine but when they occur I zone out but still a functioning person just don’t remember them happening. 

My favorite seizure moment,  floor at Wrigley in 2013, Alone and center 4th rowish Unthought Known was just starting next thing I remember hearing Mother and I was way back of GA. I started crying, not cause of the seizure but the fact I lost my fuckin spot.  Then Chloe starts and I lost it.  Crying singing and feeling so happy.    

Seizures have taken a lot of things from me, my memories, my independence and of late my cognitive skills but thankfully I can remember clear as day these special Pearl Jam memories and the ones that keep me going.  When the doctors told me the surgery date was Halloween, I knew everything was how it should be and having the poster would just mean the world to me.   

Thanks for reading

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