in Other Music
I'm going to see them tomorrow night in Sac. Looking at their setlist from this tour it looks like they play 10-12 songs.... What?! Clearly I've been spoiled by concerts in the past. Has anyone been to see Cake recently? How long do they usually take the stage?
“I suppose our capacity for self-delusion is boundless.”
― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
I saw them last summer, and in a 75 minute set they played 11 songs.
I was annoyed enough to do a little math to figure out the average song length on one of their albums (Prolonging the Magic, I think) and determined their average song length was around 4:00. Allowing a little extra jam time, that means they played for about 50 minutes, and talked to the crowd for 25 minutes, 1/3 of the allotted set time.
I won't be going to see Cake again.