Including two already mentioned (Cleveland and the Vic), I've also NOT heard it at St Louis 10/05/04 and Hamilton 09/13/05-- which puts me at 25% NOT hearing it.
"You look like you'd be sticky" --
Indianapolis 1998, Indianapolis 2000, Alpine 2003, Indianapolis 2003, Toledo 2004, Grand Rapids 2004, St Louis 2004, Kitchener 2005, London 2005, Hamilton 2005, Chicago I 2006, Grand Rapids 2006, Cleveland 2006, Cincinnati 2006 The Vic 2007, Lollapalooza 2007, Chicago I and II 2009
I haven't listened to Even Flow -- on the album, boots, DVDs, anything -- in more than six months. I'm at the point where I really want to hear it, but I'm hoping to hold out for another month then absolutely rock out when they play it in Mansfield.
total shows minus 608 = shows evenflow has not been played.
whats the total shows?
i think that is high. im gonna go count
EDIT: oh you mean total shows., not hom many times evenflow has not been played.
lets say 740.
Approx 132 shows with no evenflow.
So evenflow gets played 83% of the time.
Out of 20 shows ive seen, ive seen it 19 times.
Indianapolis 1998, Indianapolis 2000, Alpine 2003, Indianapolis 2003, Toledo 2004, Grand Rapids 2004, St Louis 2004, Kitchener 2005, London 2005, Hamilton 2005, Chicago I 2006, Grand Rapids 2006, Cleveland 2006, Cincinnati 2006 The Vic 2007, Lollapalooza 2007, Chicago I and II 2009
yes, even flow has been played at ALL 14 shows i've gone to. no wonder it has become my favorite piss/beer break song.
give it a break! retire this song!