Sharing Streaming Service Login Info? yes/no?

August 28, 2019
The Juggler
Tenclub Member
1 Main St
Anytown, USA 12895
Good afternoon folks,
I am writing you this letter to inquire as to your opinion on this subject. I know most people share a Netflix or Amazon account with some people. But how many people? Do you ask them to give you some money to put towards the cost, or do you ask for a login for something else like a trade, or do you just let them freeload off of you? The money does add up after a while.
My brother, who has about a 20 year history of freeloading in general, is/was a little upset at Your Juggler. A while back he asked for my Netflix login. I gave it to him (I also have my parents and my wife's parent's under my account--they raised us, so I feel we owe them free Netflix). Shortly thereafter he asked for my HBO login and I declined, citing that I have already given him my Netflix info. I then countered by saying if he gave me a Hula account or something, like a trade, then I would give him HBO. I also asked him to give me a little money towards it. He didn't have anything else worthwhile and refused to pay and then he blew up and called me selfish yada yada yada. He says everyone shares login info and it's not a big deal. Some time after that blow up, he ended up getting Netflix login info from someone else I guess because he was mad at me. Funny stuff.
Anyway, this topic always comes up with me and him and my other brother. Came up again today as my other brother got HBO recently and shared his account with the other one. They said how stupid my argument was for not giving my info to him in the first place. I don't know. I think I am in the right here. He was basically asking me to give him around $400 a year for his tv enjoyment, and in return I would get nothing. That's not a fair trade, right?. I also think this has to be part of the reason the cost of these things keep going up.
So please opine your thoughts, feelings, and general comments on this subject. I mean, am I wrong? Am I right? Should have I have just thrown caution in the wind and given him and then every Tom, Dick, Harry, Joan, Leslie, Wilma, Huang and Boris all of my credentials and build an army of HBO and Netflix users around the world who are living the streaming service life off of my dime??!?? Where does it end, folks? Where does it end?
Warmest regards,
The Juggler
The Juggler
Tenclub Member
1 Main St
Anytown, USA 12895
Good afternoon folks,
I am writing you this letter to inquire as to your opinion on this subject. I know most people share a Netflix or Amazon account with some people. But how many people? Do you ask them to give you some money to put towards the cost, or do you ask for a login for something else like a trade, or do you just let them freeload off of you? The money does add up after a while.
My brother, who has about a 20 year history of freeloading in general, is/was a little upset at Your Juggler. A while back he asked for my Netflix login. I gave it to him (I also have my parents and my wife's parent's under my account--they raised us, so I feel we owe them free Netflix). Shortly thereafter he asked for my HBO login and I declined, citing that I have already given him my Netflix info. I then countered by saying if he gave me a Hula account or something, like a trade, then I would give him HBO. I also asked him to give me a little money towards it. He didn't have anything else worthwhile and refused to pay and then he blew up and called me selfish yada yada yada. He says everyone shares login info and it's not a big deal. Some time after that blow up, he ended up getting Netflix login info from someone else I guess because he was mad at me. Funny stuff.
Anyway, this topic always comes up with me and him and my other brother. Came up again today as my other brother got HBO recently and shared his account with the other one. They said how stupid my argument was for not giving my info to him in the first place. I don't know. I think I am in the right here. He was basically asking me to give him around $400 a year for his tv enjoyment, and in return I would get nothing. That's not a fair trade, right?. I also think this has to be part of the reason the cost of these things keep going up.
So please opine your thoughts, feelings, and general comments on this subject. I mean, am I wrong? Am I right? Should have I have just thrown caution in the wind and given him and then every Tom, Dick, Harry, Joan, Leslie, Wilma, Huang and Boris all of my credentials and build an army of HBO and Netflix users around the world who are living the streaming service life off of my dime??!?? Where does it end, folks? Where does it end?
Warmest regards,
The Juggler
Post edited by The Juggler on
I pay for Netflix and Cox Contour
My girlfriend pays for Amazon Prime
Her son pays for Hulu.
We don't share beyond the 3 of us
And you are absolutely in the right for wanting something in return from your brother.
I have my sister in law's Sirius login though I just started paying for it myself today since the app only kinda works on Apple Car Play.
As long as there are no issues for me watching or listening to my shit when I want, if you are close enough to me that you would ask me for a login then I would probably give it to you. My brother in law has my MLB,tv login. My mother in law and niece use our Netflix I think. Whatever. If I felt like I was being taken advantage of, maybe I would feel different, but I don't so whatever. Enjoy. What goes around comes around. Fuck the man!
I only have MLBtv and my family & friends have it, but i would share with most of them.
Well, I mean, I guess I didn't have to, but ...
I guess all they needed was the info from all receivers and the dish installed. Talk about huge savings. I have no problem with the sharing of password and accounts. Most of these corporations have been screwing the consumer for years.