Why do some people have a problem with certain kinds of music?

in Other Music
Some of you have probably heard me say things like this before so, OK, let's get this out of the way up front and move on to the discussion:

But now seriously, why is it that some people dislike certain kinds of music so much that they say things like, "I hate that music," or (worse), "That music sucks", or (to my way of thinking) the most odd, "That is bad music." Bad? How can music be "bad". Which of the Ten Commandments did it break? Did it steal, commit adultery, forget to remember the Sabbath? Hell no. In fact, one band was named Sabbath!
In all seriousness, I don't understand why so many people "hate" some kinds of music. I am not a fan of opera or rap, but I would never say it is "bad" music. I don't hate it, I just don't care for it so I don't listen to it. But I respect it anyway. Is that so hard?
Not meaning to be chastising here- I'm just sincerely curious. I honestly don't get it.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
No lyrics, no soul, no talent with instruments, just repetitive beats and buzzsaw sounds and beeps and bleeps.
When I worked in a bar in Sydney we had live music every night. Monday was an amateur ‘open mic’ night, Tuesday was jazz, Wednesday was for local bands, Thursday was folk, Friday and Saturday were for more rock and metal. Sunday wasn’t ‘live’ as such, it was DJs with more laid back trip hop / chill out kind of vibes. It was a great mix, and it was interesting to see the different crowds. Quite a lot of people would come to different nights to support the local scene, whatever the genre. The one that really stood out was the jazz crowd. Tuesday night was unofficially called ‘Jazz Jerks’ night, because they were such a pretentious group of people who really shat on all other forms of music. That’s no reflection on the music itself, but that crowd has probably tarnished it a little for me.
My cousin, on the other hand, doesn’t like any music. It was weird for me when I first found out. Most of my conversations start with music in some way, and as we’re not that close we quickly ran out of things to say. Music for him is just something to fill the background silence, he just isn’t into it as an art form.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
music fans are passionate people, even if they love hard core punk rock, rap, death metal. they are still passionate.
so as long as the heart is involved deep emotions are played out. music can make u cry. it's that powerful!
hate is at the extreme end of that emotional scale and unfortunately people haven't learned to live life without hate
music causes goosebumps so there can be no bad music of any kind. it's extremely personal and individual.
so, back full circle, it comes down to respect for an individual's choice as to what moves them. there is nothing to hate about any music and if u r a music fan u should know this...so perhaps the displaced hate comes from people who just really don't get IT
and/or maybe they're just teenagers who haven't figured out life yet
i've said it before but wow are WE ever lucky to be living in a world today with so many options as far as music goes.
I can pretty much find something good in every genre.
So true! There is so much great music in the world!
Good point.
I do loathe modern country. It's quite horrible.
There are types of food I hate and will not eat. Why? Because it tastes bad.
Music is the same thing.
Maybe I'll come off as an asshole, but I can think certain music (lyrics too) sucks monkey balls and may even criticize that, but not the person who digs it.
That being said I totally accept that other people love it. I just hate it when I have to listen to it... like at my grandparents‘ or a party.
And no maybe about it, I do come off as an asshole.
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)